
Original Description

" sadasada d afasafasjlsfbhgucdwvlknwwcr perdon por estar tan desconectada pero estuve sin internet durante varios (muchos) dias, maldita tormenta! Pero porfin volvio y me puse al tanto de varias cuentas que tengo en la interweb. pero eh regresado y en mi tiempo sin internet trabaje en algunos dibujos aca les va uno.
Debia hacerlas a las dos juntas, no podia resistirme. No creo que esto cuente como un crossover ya que t?cnicamente son del mismo universo? hay no lo se, ahi como ustedes quieran llamarle. "


" sadasada d afasafasjlsfbhgucdwvlknwwcr sorry for being so disconnected but I was without internet for several (many) days, damn storm! But it finally came back and I caught up with several accounts I have on the interweb. But I've returned and in my time without internet I worked on some drawings, here's one for you.
I had to draw them both together, I couldn't resist. I don't think this counts as a crossover since they are technically from the same universe? I don't know, whatever you want to call it. "