*“I remember my childhood… I think I do… ”
“The time has made everything blurry”
“But I still remember when I played outside”
“I played with my brother… ”
“We always had so much fun… we pretended to be superheroes!”
“But all those memories”
“Begin to hurt”
“They begin to hurt when… ”
“He was gone.”*
[[continue|Bedroom1]](text-colour:grey)[**????:**] Timmy
(text-colour:grey)[**????:**] Timmy!
(text-colour:grey)[**????:**] TIMMY!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Ah!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] W-wha
*"I jumped out of my bed in surprise"
"It seemed like it was already morning"
"I looked at the clock and... What??? 6:48!!!??"
"I'm late!!!!"*
(text-colour:grey)[**????:**] Finally, you woke up.
(text-colour:grey)[**????:**] Come on, you're late for school.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Gary!
*“My childhood bestfriend, The cool and reserve guy who deep down, really cares.”
“He was somewhat like a brother to me when we were like 5, we always played together and now that we reunited again...”
“I can see how clingy he actually can be”
“Well, I can’t really complain… since I was the one who beg him to stay in this town”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I told you you don't have to ride me to school.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] And I'm late? what about you? you're late too!
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] You know I don't care ‘bout school.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] I only go because you told me to.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] but there's no point in going to school if the guy who told me to isn't even there.
*“that sounded a little weird.”
“What is he implying with that?”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] The point is to go and learn!!
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Mmh, Tim Tim
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Going to school and “learn” doesn’t really suit my style, ya know.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I swear to…
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Fine, just let me change my clothes so we can go already.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Aiight, I’ll wait.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] …
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] …
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] WAIT OUTSIDE!
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] OH! y-yeah, I-
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] I’ll be waitin’ for ya outside
*“Gary left through the window as always”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] *mumble* He thinks its so cool to jump through the window.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] It won’t be so cool when he breaks his leg. *mumble*
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Yes it will!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I DIDN’T ASK YOU
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] *Sighs*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] This is gonna be a long day.
[[continue|motobike01]](text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Ready, Pinky Boy?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Yeah Yeah, let’s go.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] We’re already so late, tho.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Don’t sweat it, I got it.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Gary don’t you dare spee-
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] AHH!
*“He did speed up goddammit”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Gary! Slow down a bit.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Don’t worry Tim.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] I know what I’m doing.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Have a little faith in me, dontcha?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Ugh I’m getting dizzy.
*“I feeling like I’m gonna fall in any curb”
“I hug Gary as to not to fall from the byke”
“Kinda reminds me when we were little kids”
“I would hold onto him when the situation seemed dangerous, like when we fought the monster in the closet”
“Those were some fun times...”
“Now that I notice, he always uses this cologne that makes him smell… so cool”
“And riding this motorbike, he always tried to be so cool but now”
“Is kinda different”
“When did we grow up?”*
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Timmy!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Ah?
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] wE ArE- *clears throat* We’re here.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Oh!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Great, Thanks Gary.
*“My mind was completely in the clouds, I hope he didn’t notice I smeling him.”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Let’s get inside and hope the professor doesn’t punish us.
[[continue|classroom01]](text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Alright, looks like Mister Abdul is focused on the subject.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] If we can slide the door and sneak to our seats reeeeal quietly, he’ll never notice we weren't here in the first place.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Got it.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] You’ll find one of my many abilities as a cool dude is to be silent as a rock.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Good, that’s what I wanna hear.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Let 's roll.
*“I carefully slide the back door of the class, trying to not make any sound”
“So far so good”
“We both crouch our way into our desks, I sit a couple rows in the middle by the window”
“I’m about to reach my seat and Mr Abdul hasn’t got a clue, perfect!”
“But before I can even touch the desk I feel something tripping me”
“I fall tremendously to the floor”
“The whole the classroom, and probably the classroom below, hears the magnificent sound of my face hitting the floor tile”
“I turn around to see what made me trip and it’s no other but my bully since elementary, Francis”*
(text-colour:grey)[**Francis:**] careful Turner, hahahahahaha
*“The whole class laughs at my misery while I’m on the floor waiting to be suck underneath it”*
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] I’ll make you regret that, you discolored King kong.
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Mr. Turner! Mr. …
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Wait, do you even go to this school?
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] N-Nevermind that.
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] You both are terribly late!
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Instead of causing this commotion you should be grabbing the buckets.
*“I immediately stand up besides my desk while Gary is too busy throwing hands to listen to the professor”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] But Mr. A-
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Now, I don’t want to hear it.
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Go to fill the buck-
(text-colour:grey)[**????:**] Ehem.
(text-colour:grey)[**????:**] May I have a few words, Mister Abdul?
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] O-Oh, Mr. Buxaplenty.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Remy Buxaplenty; that’s my name, don’t wear it out.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Your insurance wouldn’t cover it.
*“ugh, this guy”
“Remy Buxaplenty, rich kid with rich parents.”
“He could buy more than half the town if he wanted, but for the moment he bought the entire school.”
“Kinda annoying, extremely egocentric and indisputably super loaded.”
“Why is he the one who gets me out of trouble?”*
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Of course, what is on your mind?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Sir, I think it’s better if Turner would be excused this time.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] EHEM.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] and the other guy too...
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] I mean, he arrives just a couple minutes later than is mandatory, I’m sure it’s really nothing.
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Well, they actually came 32 minutes late.
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Class is about to end...
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Mmh, what a shame.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Well I guess my father would be, how can I say it, rather disappointed that my experience at his school isn’t 100 percent satisfactory…
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Oh n-no… theres-s-s-s no need to um contact your father Mr. Buxaplenty.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Oh, and why is that?
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] …
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Cauuuuse Turner and his friend are not in trouble.
(text-colour:grey)[**Mr. Abdul:**] Everyone, please return to your books.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Thank you, Binky
*“Even tho Remy was standing in front of me, I still could feel his smug look as a sat down”
“I’ll be hearing about this all morning good grief.”*
[[continue|choice lunch]]*“Finally, time for some lunch.”
“I’ve been waiting for this hour since I stepped into the classroom”
“3 hours of torturing classes to have a well deserved break with a good meal”
“Now, where am I going to sit?”*
(set: $Gary to 1)
(set: $Remy to 1)
(set: $Jimmy to 1)
<span class='opt'>
[[With Gary|lunch with Gary]]
[[With Remy|lunch with Remy]]
[[With Chester and A.J|lunch with Chester and A.J]]
</span>(set: $Gary to it + 1)
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Well, it seems logic that I go with Gary.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Since all the “I got to school for you” thing
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Also, he is a good friend, I enjoy his company.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] But wait, where is he?
“I look around in the cafeteria but no sight of Gary”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] He’s not here.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Where could a Cool boy eat his lunch and not be bothered by his fans?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] ...
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] He can’t be that predictable, can he?
“I exit the cafeteria and make my way to the stairs”
“I walk all the way to the last floor, the rooftop”
“I open the door and see him, sitting all by himself against the fence”
“The contrast of him and the blue sky is mesmerizing, he always had manage to look so mysterious and intriguing.”
“I walk over to where Gary is seated”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Hi Gary! Mind if I sit here?
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Hey Tim Tim!
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Glad you wanted to join me.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] What brings ya here?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Nothing much, just wanted to chill out here like you.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Yeah, I get it.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] You couldn’t wait to have a chat with me.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] What??
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] No,
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] it’s not that, I-
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Well… Kinda.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] I
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] I guess that’s cool
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Ya can sit down if you like.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Thanks.
“I sit besides him”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] What did you bring for lunch?
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Not much.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Just some couple twinkies from the bending machine
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Me too.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Really? I thought you would berate me for having a proper meal.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] But now look how the tables have turned.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Yeah yeah, I know.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] But since I woke up late, I didn’t have time to pack something.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Welp, then let’s cheer with our last minute snacks.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] *chuckles* Yeah!
“We both chear with our twinkies in the air and take a big bite out of them”
“The delicious sugary cream filled my mouth, I was starving all class so this tasted like heaven”
“We sit there for a while with our mouths full of the “golden sponge cake””
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] So, today you’re going to your godparents house?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Yeah, I’m gonna babysit Poof this afternoon.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] And you can’t come.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] What? Why not???
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You are a bad influence on the baby and I don’t want him to associate with you.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] What do you mean bad influence?
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] If not I’m a great influence, the best influence.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] A cool influence.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Where did he get the pocket knife?
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] *sweats nervously*
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Umm,
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] The internet?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You can’t fool me with my own lame excuses.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Ok ok.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] I promise it won’t happen again.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Yeah it won’t cause you’re not coming.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] C’mon Tim Tim.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] I’ll make the afternoon more fun.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Gary, we can hang out tomorrow if you want.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Just not today, ok?
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] ...
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Fine, but we’re doin what I want, k?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You have my word.
“We chatted and ate for a little bit until the bell rang, it was fun while it lasted.”
“I missed spending time with Gary a lot, it's nice talking to him when he’s not bursting into my bedroom at random times.”
*“Back to endless lectures.”*
[[continue|Studyhall01]](set: $Remy to it + 1)
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Mmh
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Seems I can’t get enough of him annoying me into oblivion.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Though, he helped me in the morning.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I feel like I need to thank him at least.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] and *sigh*.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I guess he’s… my friend.
*“With lunch in hand, I made my way to where Remy’s seated”
“While everyone uses the white plastic tables and sits on old rusty stools, Remy goes far and beyond to reaffirm his position as a rich kid.”
“Enjoying his meal in a carved wood table, probably exported from some exotic continent; and sitting in a comfortable chair, upholstered in red from some very expensive ceda.”
“Am I really sitting with this show off?”*
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Timmy Turner!
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] What a pleasant surprise to have you here for lunch.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Hello Remy, what did you bring for lunch?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Oh, not really that much
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Just a French Specialty, Coq au vin.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Courtesy of one of my 50 private chefs, Nourriture Coûteux.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Ko...kuvan???
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Coq au vin, you can taste it if you want.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Take a sit.
*“As he says that, Remy claps his hands and two servants appear at of nowhere, sit me in a fancy chair and put some food in a expensive plate in front of me besides Remy.”
“He is always too extra with this.”*
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Now, tell me, how was your morning?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Any specific reason why you came late with That guy?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I just overslept.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I’m lucky that Gary came for me in the morning or else I would have missed school completely.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Gary is a good friend, he cares about me and I want you to not talk of him like that.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Oh come on Turner.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] He thinks he’s so cool with his Grease flair, as if he was better than everyone.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Remy, where are you sitting right now?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Timmy, The difference is that I Am actually better than everyone.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Well
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] I think I have to be more… Humble about it.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] That’s why I didn’t bring the violinist this time!
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] I’m learning.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] ``*Sighs*`` One step at a time.
*“We kinda sit there in silence for 5 seconds”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I also wanted, em, to thank you for saving Gary and I’s butts in the morning.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I really appreciate it.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] No need to thank me!
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Just make sure to arrive early from now on.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] I’m rich but my Get out of jail free cards are limited.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I know, you don’t have to say it.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Why do you overslept anyway?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Eh…
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I may or may not have watched the entire season of Crash Nebula: Next Generations.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] In one night.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] In one night?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Or more like all night until it was 4 am?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] IT WAS A REALLY GOOD SEASON
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Yes, that’s what I heard.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] And that’s why I thought we agreed to watch it together.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] SORRY
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] IT WAS REALLY GOOD
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Now you have to repay me for that.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Since I'm aware of your economical status, I'm going to make it easy for you.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Why don't we go to the cinema after school?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Just the two of us.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You want to go watch a movie??
*"Why did he say *Just the two of us*?"*
*"What is he implying?"*
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Yes, wasn't I clear enough?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Yoy literally don't have to do anything.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Just go to the movies with me.
*"Well, that's sounds tempting."
"Yeah, I'll give it a shot and, who knows?"
"Maybe I actualy like hanging out with him."
"But wait!"
"I almost forgot..."*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I can't go today.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I'm babysitting Poof after school.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Well, I can c-
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You ABSOLUTELY CANNOT come with me.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I don't want your weird genes near him.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Ouch.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] That really hurted, Turner.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] So let's schedule it for tomorrow, shall we?
**Timmy:** Alright.
*"We continued lunch as normal, him being over the top as always"
"I ate the fancy dish he brought which I'm thankful for because I didn't pack anything and cafeteria food isn't exactly the... best."
"Soon the bell rang and we head back to more boring classes"*
“Back to endless lectures.”
[[continue|Studyhall01]]*"Yeah, that seems right
I haven't talk with Chester and AJ since... wait, when was the last time I talked with them?
nevermind that."*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Hey guys! mind if I take a seat?
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] I mean, you can seat if you like crumbs.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] What?
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Chester...
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] No, I have to say it!
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] You haven't hang out with us in a long time.
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] Man, now I know how Elmer and Sanjay feel.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Sorry! It's not my fault!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Gary and Remmy have been all over me lately.
*"Chester and A.J. exchange a weird look that made me realize what words came out of my mouth."*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] T-That came out wrong! Argh.
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Yeah Yeah, We know what you meant.
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Though, I did notice a gradual increase in their interest in you, as well as the interactions you have with them.
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] Could it be because the only friend they have is Timmy?
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] I don’t see them hang out with anyone else.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You think?
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] Dang it Timmy, sometimes you have a denser head than mine.
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] No need to insult here.
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] But Chester is right, you are not paying enough attention to your environment.
*"No matter how A.J. tries to sugar coat what he says with more technical or complicated words, it still stings as ever."
"At least his show off nature has calmed down in recent years."*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Thanks guys, remind me why I choose to sit here again?
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] Bah, don’t mind us and let’s just eat!
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Agreed, I’m starving.
*"We continued lunch as normal"
"We chatted away and catched up on things we haven’t talked about in some time."
"Soon the bell rang and we head back to more boring classes"*
*“Back to endless lectures.”*
*“After some torturous classes, the bell rang and I was free to roam in the hallway.”
“Study Hall is meant to be a time to study and work on assignments in between classes, but realistically, no one actually studies at that time.”
“I normally hang out with Gary and Remmy in Study Hall… Well actually I ALWAYS hang out with them during school.”
(if:(history: where its name contains "lunch with Chester and A.J")'s length is 1)[“Maybe Chester and A.J. are right, I spent a lot of time with them lately.”
“They’re always chasing after me… I wonder why?”
“I may ask the later, right now I gotta get some stuff out of my locker”]
“I approach my locker before meeting up with Gary and Remy.”
“As I was sorting things out in my locker, a girl approaches me and raise her voice”*
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl:**] Um… E-Excuse me?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Uh?
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl:**] I was…
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl:**] …I w-wanted…
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] ??
*“This girl in front of me seems super nervous, I wonder what is up with her?”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Are you alright? Do you need help?
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl:**] I… Well…
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl:**] Eep!
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl:**] HERE!
*“She suddenly hands me a piece of paper and runs off into the other corridor.”
“It seems like she saw something and it scared her away, but I turned around and saw nothing.”
“Either way I take a quick glance at what she gave me and see that it’s a Love Letter.”*
*“So she was trying to ask me out?”
“Even though I didn’t know the girl, the fact that she was interested in me and was nervous to tell me made me feel a little giddy.”
“Wow, a girl giving me a love letter. This only happens in T.V.!”
“but before I could fully immerse myself in the fantasy, I take a closer inspection to the address in the letter”*
''“To: Gary”''
*“My mood completely deflates and I’m just left in the corridor feeling sorry for myself.”
“It reminded me that Gary, as well as Remy, were the most popular and attractive guys in the whole school; every girl wants to be with them and every guy wants to be like them.”
“In comparison, I was a very average guy next to them.”
“pathetic, even.”
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Hey TimTim! We’re hanging or what?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] No matter my influence on the school, Study Hall can’t last forever
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] huh?
*“Just before my thoughts could devolve into a self-loathing spiral, Gary and Remmy came to break those thoughts away.”*
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Come one, let’s find a spot to sit down
*“I still was a bit disappointed about the letter so I just silently followed them to a hall with a big window.”
“This was one of our main hanging spots during study hall”
“We always had to cycle between them due to Remy and Gary’s fangirls, which reminded me…”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Hey Gary!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] A girl told me to give you this letter.
*“She actually didn’t tell me, but it was embarrassing to say that I thought it was for me.”*
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Throw it away, I don’t want it.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] WHAT!?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] But it’s a love letter!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] She must’ve written it with all of her love.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Yeah, she must be a nice girl.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] I say you should date her.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] …
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] I’m not interested.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] It feels kinda cruel to just put it in the trash… You could at least read it!
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] If you care about it that much, why don’t you read it?
*“Gary tries to hand me the letter but I refused.”*
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] W-What? No!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I can’t do that! The letter is not for me!
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Mmmh, that actually sounds like a good idea.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Can you read one of the letters I’ve received?
*“And suddenly, Remy dumps a bunch of different colored letters beside me”
“Are these letters from today or does he carry them around?”
“Both possibilities amaze me.”*
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Here, pick one and read it out loud.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] What's with all these letters!?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Did you accept them all?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] One isn’t even a Love letter…
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I can’t read these ones either! It feels wrong to see other people’s feelings like this.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] The girls would be sad if they found out.
“Remy leans over me and puts his hand on my chin.”
“He is much taller than me, so it makes me feel a little cornered.”
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Awwww Come on.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] I really wish I could hear those lovely words come out of your mouth.
*“Before I can even answer, Gary pulls me away from Remy and puts his arm around my shoulder, keeping me by his side.”*
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] And I wish I could see blood come out of your mouth.
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:''] Too bad wishes don’t come true, huh?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Well…
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] I think Turner should be the one to decide whose letter he is going to read.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] What?
*“So they’re making me decide?”
“Should I bite the bullet and just pick one?”
“This feels kind of wrong but… I’m also curious about what the girls write to these guys.”*
<span class='opt'>
[[Read Gary’s Letter->Gary Letter]]
[[Read Remy’s Letter->Remy Letter]]
[[Don’t read the Letters->No Letter]]
(set: $Gary to it + 1)
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Alright, give me that.
*“I take Gary’s Letter from his hand and examine it; It seems to be crafted very affectionately, the envelope being hand cut rather than bought at a store, with little hearts around Gary’s name.”
“It feels wrong to open it but I can’t chickens out now.”
“I open the letter carefully and skim through it before reading out loud.”
“I hope nobody else hears me.”*
''“Dear Gary,
I’ve been wanting to tell you this from the moment I saw you on the first day of this semester, but I was just too nervous to say it until now, even as I write this letter, my hands are shaking; with anxiety or excitement? that I’m not sure.”
“That first day of school, you came to school on a motorbike with such flare that everyone around you couldn’t help but wow; you’ve had this air of mystique and coolness to you that made you so alluring.”''
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Yeah, you did make an entrance with your motorbike that day.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Such a show off.
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] You came in on a limo and made your servants lay a red carpet on the ground just for you on the SAME DAY.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] The difference is that I was elegant and poised, while you just rolled your wheels on the mud.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Shut it you two.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Ehem.
''“But when everyone wasn’t looking, I saw you help some little ducklings on the road and put them safely on the side of the school,” ''
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] What?
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] She saw that?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] You save little duckies in your free time, Gary?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Oh! I remember that.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] We saw the ducklings and carried them to the little lake that’s beside the school.
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] … (there’s no visuals yet but he blushing)
''“And at that moment I just felt like I saw something so intimate, a softer side of you that I’ve been in love with for so long.”
“So I’ll kindly ask you to accept my feelings for you and hold them near your heart just like you did with those baby ducks, cause I know I feel safe with you.”''
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I still feel weird reading someone else's letter.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] But I like to reminisce of that first day.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] It was such a busy day, wasn’t it?
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] And it was because this high pants was getting his ass kicked in the first period.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] It’s not my fault that those self-congratulatory idiots thought they could defeat me in a fight.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] I’m not responsible for their delusions.
//“While they bickered on semantics, I just couldn’t help but think of the words on that letter.”
“Even though they are someone else’s words.”
“Saying them out loud… it just felt… right.”
“A weird tingle rises up inside my chest while the imagery of Gary helping those ducks appears on my head.”
“But before I can react to that sensation, the bell rings and Study Hall is over.”
“Back again, to some endless lectures.”
[[Continue->subwayStation01]](set: $Remy to it + 1)
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Alright, give me that.
*“I take Remy’s Letter from his hand and examine it; It seems to be an expensive kind of envelope that was carefully chosen just for Remy, with golden laminated details in the fringes and Remy's name written in beautiful cursive.”
“It feels wrong to open it but I can’t chickens out now.”
“I open the letter carefully and skim through it before reading out loud.”
“I hope nobody else hears me.”*
''“Dear Remy,
“I’ve been wanting to tell you this from the moment I saw you on the first day of this semester, but I never find the chance to say it, so instead I write to you; if not, my heart would explode just seeing your beautiful face.”
“I’m well aware of who you are and I know you probably get a lot of confessions from girls, but unlike them, that just want your money and status, I know the kind side of you and truly love you.”
“You might not remember this, but at the beginning of the semester on orientation day, you saved a kid from being beaten up by bullies.” ''
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Saving a kid from bullies?
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Wait, are they referring to you?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Oh yeah! I remember that day.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Some bullies wanted to fight you as revenge for beating them earlier that summer.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Gary and I came to help you.
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] I would have rather stayed outside than getting into the first day of the semester.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Oh look who's speaking, you loved punching those idiots that day.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] You love the trouble.
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] Not when Timmy’s safety is on the line.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Shut it you two.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Ehem.
''“While everyone was busy admiring your extravagant flair and wealthy status earlier, I saw a more heroic side of you, one that protects the innocent and fights for what's right, it has stuck with me ever since.”
“So I’ll kindly ask you to accept my feelings for you and protect them with all of your might just like you did with that lonely kid, cause I know I’ll be safe with you.”''
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I still feel weird reading someone else's letter.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] But I like to reminisce of that first day.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] It was such a busy day with those bullies.
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] It wouldn’t have happened if this guy didn’t make such an entrance that day with the limo.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] If I’m not mistaken, you also made an entrance with that motorcycle of yours.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Don’t think I didn’t see all your flips and tricks that day.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Such a show off.
//“While they bickered on semantics, I just couldn’t help but think of the words on that letter.”
“Even though they are someone else’s words.”
“Saying them out loud… it just felt… right.”
“A weird tingle rises up inside my chest while the imagery of Remy protecting me from those thugs appears on my head.”
“But before I can react to that sensation, the bell rings and Study Hall is over.”
“Back again, to some endless lectures.”//
[[Continue->subwayStation01]]//“I don’t feel comfortable peering into someone’s feelings without their permission.”//
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I won’t be reading anyone’s letter.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] These things are personal and only between you and the person who gave it to you.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I mean, would you give some random person a love letter I gave to either of you?
//“As soon as that phrase left my mouth, I realized I said something dumb.”
“I can feel my face getting hot, from the tip of my nose to the top of my ears.”
“But before I can correct myself, Gary and Remy spoke almost in unison.”//
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] No! No!
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] Of course not!
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] I would NEVER let someone else read something like that.
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] I would beat anyone who did that.
//“That was not the reaction I was expecting; giving so hurried and reassuring answers.”
“Either way, I’m happy that they understood the situation.”
“I straighten my back and cross my arms to appear more composed.”//
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Well, then you (points to Gary) shouldn’t just throw away love letters as nonchalantly.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] And you (points to Remy) shouldn’t accept love letters if you don’t intend to reciprocate their feelings.
(text-colour:red)[''Gary:''] Yeah yeah, I hold onto them, jeez.
(text-colour:#44dd68)[**Remy:**] Well, I supposed I could moderate myself in terms of… acceptance of letters.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] That’s good to hear.
//“And just like that, the bell rings and Study Hall is over.”
“Back again, to some endless lectures.”//
[[Continue->subwayStation01]]“Time passed, and after a long day of school, the last bell rings to free us from boring classes.”
“I honestly don’t really remember half of the stuff I supposedly learned today but, I get the feeling I won’t really need it in five years.”
(if:(history: where its name contains "lunch with Gary")'s length is 1)[“I try my best to avoid Gary as I exit the school.”
“I know he is going to beg me to let him accompany me to babysit Poof, and I don’t think I would be able to say no to him this time.”
“I'd rather not deal with that so I sneak the best I can and head to the subway.”]
(if:(history: where its name contains "lunch with Remy")'s length is 1)[“I try my best to avoid Remy as I exit the school.”
“I know he is going to follow me all the way to babysit Poof, and I don’t think I would be able to say no to him this time.”
“I'd rather not deal with that so I sneak the best I can and head to the subway.”]
(if:(history: where its name contains "lunch with Gary" and "lunch with Remy")'s length is not 1)[“And even though I want to go home and play video games while laying in my bed all day, I have plans for the day.”
“Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I babysit my godbrother!”
“I need to hurry so I can catch the subway on time.”]
“I arrive at the station and it’s packed full of people getting out of either school or work.”
“I might have to give up hope of getting a seat on the sub back to the city.”
“Better check the board and pay for my ticket so I can even get a chance to stand on the sub at all.”
“I take a look at the board as I pay for my ticket and…”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Oh ship!
“The train leaves in 4 minutes! I have to run and pray the doors don’t close on me!”
“I start to run amongst the crowd trying to evade a many people as I can”
“I can see the doors right in front of me, they’re wide open so I’m just in time-”
“WOAH” crash
“I think I tripped on something, but I didn’t felt the impact of the hard floor”
“I landed on something… soft?”
“I open my eyes and see that I landed on a boy wearing a maroon uniform?”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] What…?
(text-colour:grey)[**???:**] …?
“Wait. I’m on top of someone!”
“I quickly stand up and grab my back and buck it towards the now closing doors of the train”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] SosorryI’mlategoodbye!
“I barely make it inside the train and grab a seat”
“As I relax and have a moment to think, I just melt of embarrassment”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I can’t believe I fell on top of someone like that.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I hope I never see him again.
“I arrive at my godparents apartment”
“I enter the living room and see my godparents, Cosmo and Wanda, preparing themselves to go outside”
(text-colour:#7EB753)[''Cosmo:''] Hi Timmy!
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Oh? Timmy!
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Poof! Timmy’s already here!
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] He’ll be here in a second.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Yeah, no problem.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You’re already leaving?
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Oh no no, we’re just waiting for the taxi.
“Wanda takes a moment to check if she got everything ready”
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Got my papers, my suitcase, my laptop.
(text-colour:#7EB753)[''Cosmo:''] And you got a beautiful smile.
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Blushes Oh Cosmo.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Am I still going to see you at school?
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Of course, I’m just giving one lecture.
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] At a prestigious college.
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] …
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] But maybe this one time thing could become a full job!
(text-colour:#7EB753)[''Cosmo:''] You can do it honey! I believe in you!!
“before I could say anything else, Poof enters the living room”
(text-colour:#9957C2)[''Poof:''] Timmy!!!
“He runs to give me a hug”
“He has always been such a sweet child!”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Hi Poof, How's it going?
(text-colour:#9957C2)[''Poof:''] Here!
“Poof hands me the most adorable drawing I ever seen”
(if:(history: where its name contains "lunch with Gary")'s length is 1)[(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Oh! It 's you and me... and Gary?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You haha... remember last time?
(text-colour:#9957C2)[''Poof:''] Yeah!
(text-colour:#9957C2)[''Poof:''] He taught me some neat tricks!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] YEAH, yeah, I also remember.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Anyways, thanks for the drawing, Poof!](if:(history: where its name contains "lunch with Gary")'s length is not 1)
[(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Oh! It 's me and you! That 's so cute!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Thanks Poof!]
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Oh yeah! I brought you your favorite snack!
(text-colour:#9957C2)[''Poof:''] Yaay!!
(text-colour:#9957C2)[''Poof:''] Magic Rocks!!
“I open my school bag and reach for the delicious snacks”
“Only to find… advanced algebra homework?”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] What? Where are the snacks?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] No! Where are my comic books?
“I dump all of the contents in the coffee table only to find paper upon paper of thing I can barely understand”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] What is this??
(text-colour:#7EB753)[''Cosmo:''] Looks like a bunch of letters to me.
(text-colour:#7EB753)[''Cosmo:''] Which is weird if this is supposed to be math.
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Mmmh I think you got the wrong bag.
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Was there any point where it could have been mixed up?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Not that I recall… Wait!
“I suddenly remember the boy at the train station”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I crashed into a boy on my way here!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] He was wearing a maroon blazer.
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Maroon blazer… And judging by these advanced subjects, I think this is from a Lindbergh High’s student.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Lindbergh High?
(text-colour:#7EB753)[''Cosmo:''] Oh! is that school for intelligent and rich people!
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Yeah, we’ve been looking at schools for Poof, since he is such a prodigy!
(text-colour:#9957C2)[''Poof:''] I Get the biggest golden stars in the class.
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] That school is in the Retro district.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Then I think I’ll have to go there if I want my stuff back.
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] It seems so.
(text-colour:#7EB753)[''Cosmo:''] Honey! The Taxi is here!
(text-colour:#CE5A99)[''Wanda:''] Oh! We gotta go!
“They quickly say their goodbyes to me and Poof and leave the apartment”
“Ugh this bag situation is so unfair”
“I’ll have to wake up extra early to go there and make it to school”
“I don’t want Gary to follow me all the way there, I know he’ll make a fuss about the bag”
“But well, better think of that tomorrow morning, right now I have to take care of Poof”
[[Continue|LB-Entrance01]]<span class='red'>[[option 1|Dream]]
[[option 2|motobike01]]
[[no change|lanced]]
I (link-reveal: "love")[(show: ?dogs)] cats.
|dogs)[But not as much as dogs]
(set: $r to 1)
(set: $g to 1)
(if:$r > $g)[(text-colour:green)[green]]
(if:$g > $r)[(text-colour:red)[red]]
(if:$g is $r)[(text-colour:magenta)[pink]]
(set: $g to it + 1)
(if:$r > $g)[(text-colour:green)[green]]
(if:$g > $r)[(text-colour:red)[red]]
(if:$g is $r)[(text-colour:magenta)[pink]]
(set: $r to it + 5)
(if:$r > $g)[(text-colour:green)[green]]
(if:$g > $r)[(text-colour:red)[red]]
(if:$g is $r)[(text-colour:magenta)[pink]]
(set: $g to it + 4)
(if:$r > $g)[(text-colour:green)[green]]
(if:$g > $r)[(text-colour:red)[red]]
(if:$g is $r)[(text-colour:magenta)[pink]]
Hey! If you're reading this, it means you reached the end of this unfinished project, congrats!
I hope you liked this um thing, had a chuckle reading or smth.
If you care enough, feel free to write me an email telling me your opinios, suggestions, what would you like to see, what you don't want to see, glitches, etc.
(text-colour:#2ce2b9)[''cosmic.kikoart@gmail.com''] (write me with the subject '//FOP VN//')
(if:$lancer is true)[</style>
<audio src="https://www.myinstants.com/media/sounds/lancer-splat.mp3" autoplay>]
Some art!
If you just wanna disregard this and see the cringefest, [[just click here to continue|Dream]].
<style> img {
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
This project is just some elaborate shitpot, half ironic, half earnest, made for fun and as a way to learn Twine (and possibly Renpy in the future). I was 15 and had mediocre english comprehension when I started this, and the first few passages did not change and have been barely beta read so there’s that. Now, some relevant Qs and As to see:
(text-style:"underline")[Now, why the Fairly OddParents?]
Well, in short; back in highschool I got obsessed with a tumblr account that posted fanart of FOP, and the idea of a dating sim based on one of their “anime highschool” AU was born. The artist doesn't make FOP content anymore as that was like a decade ago, so please don’t bother them.
(text-style:"underline")[No but really, why the Fairly OddParents?]
Technically, if you think about it, this thing is so OOC that I could just change the names and designs and easily call it my own. I won’t.
I feel like it’s more fun if it stays as a FOP (and nicktoons) thing, maybe I’ll change my mind in the future, maybe I'll just let this sit here as is.
(text-style:"underline")[Who is doing the art?]
Me! The designs are from said artist’s FOP highschool AU, but the art is drawn by me.
(text-style:"underline")[Who is doing the story?]
I am writing everything, but some story beats, backstories and even entire scenes are from the original AU. I will mark here which passages are copies or based on the original.
(align:"<==")+(box:"=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[* The Letter Scene is a Canon Event (heavily based on the original AU, even recycling some lines).
* The Cindy and Libby encounter is a Canon Event (heavily based on the original AU, even recycling some lines).]
(text-style:"underline")[How old are the characters?]
All of the main characters that are in HS are 17 years old (unless stated otherwise), Danny and his friends are in their 20s and attending college.
(text-style:"underline")[Is there going to be NSFW content?]
''NO''; rest assured, there isn’t going to be anything too explicit. The most explicit is going to be maybe people falling on top of each other? and maybe a kabedon??? kinda anime-esk shenanigans.
(text-style:"underline")[How many characters can I romance?]
At the moment it's very unfinished so I guess no-one. But the idea is that you could en up with Gary, Remy or Jimmy (I also want to add Negative-Timmy and Mark to the list) . I am ''NOT'' adding Danny as a romanceable character.
(text-style:"underline")[Will you finish this?]
That is one tricky question… I don’t know! I’m just picking this up from time to time so there’s that, I’m not gonna go full time with this. Maybe if someone helps me with the writing? cause good god I’m bad at it, but as it is now, it’s just a fun project that I write little by little.
(text-style:"underline")[Can I help you?]
You want to help me? umm well I guess you can help me by sending an email with the subject //FOP VN// with you opinios, suggestions, etc.
If you mean you want to help write/draw/code, then I'm not sure as this is a bit of a "I'm just adding things from time to time" kind of project as opposed as something I'm actively working on with deadlines and stuff. But feel free to send me an email either way.
Welp, if you're ready to begin, just click [[Start the Story->Dream]].
You still here? [[Click here for a surprise!(sound warning)->lanced]]
“It’s too early for this…”
“I walk into Lindbergh High, it is massive and more classier than my school”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Is that an atom fountain?
“Yeah, this sure is a school for rich brainiacs”
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl1:**] Hey!
“I turn around and see two girls walk up to me”
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl1:**] Do you have a note?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Note?
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl2:**] Like a permit, you gotta have one.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I don’t have any.
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl1:**] Then you are NOT supposed to be here!
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl1:**] We don’t allow outsiders!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] But uh…
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I have to find th-
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl1:**] No Outsiders!!
“This girl is not letting me get a single word out!”
“How am I supposed to get my stuff back?”
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl2:**] …
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl2:**] Cindy, at least let the poor boy explain himself.
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl1:**] Alright, state your business.
“I give the second girl a look of thankfulness before speaking”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I got my bag mixed up with someone else, so I must find the owner to give him his bag and get mine.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You look like you’re in charge of here.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Can you help me find him?
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl1:**] You… You think I’m in charge?
(text-colour:grey)[**Girl1:**] Yes! I AM in charge!
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] My name is Cindy A. Vortex, Student council member.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Hi, you can call me Libby.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] We’ll help you but first…
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] We must get you a Lindbergh uniform.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] It's still against the rules for outsiders to roam around, so we have to be discreet.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Ok!
“We all three sneak into the gymnasium and reach the girl’s locker room”
“We walk up to, what I assume is their lockers, and they start to take out clothes for me”
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Here, wear this.
“She hands me a pair of clothes and I proceed to go change”
“I already changed the top but as I reach for the bottom part of the uniform…”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] What!?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] This is a skirt!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I can’t wear this!
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] It's the only thing we have!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] B-But you don’t have gym pants or something??
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] It’s summer, we wear sports shorts in summer!
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] At least try it on! I’m sure you’ll look good in it.
“I swallow my pride and put on the skirt”
“This is for my bag, my comics, my snacks…”
“I get out of the changing room and meet the girls”
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Oh My God.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] I knew it! You look amazing.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Am I a styling genius or what?
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] What do you think?
<span class='opt'>
(link: "I love it!")[(set: $skirt to 3) (set: $Remy to it + 1) (go-to: "changeroom01")]
(link: "I hate it!")[(set: $skirt to 0) (go-to: "changeroom01")]
(link: "I feel good")[(set: $skirt to 2) (set: $Jimmy to it + 1) (go-to: "changeroom01")]
(link: "Not my thing")[(set: $skirt to 1) (set: $Gary to it + 1) (go-to: "changeroom01")]
</span>(if:$skirt is 3)[(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I absolutely love it!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I look so cute in this!
“I start to twirl around to make the skirt spin”
“This feels better than I expected”
“Man, why haven’t I tried this before?”
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] See! I know what I’m talking about.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] You never miss, Libby.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Very well, let’s find this guy.](if:$skirt is 0)[(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I hate this!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I feel so exposed!
“I do everything to try and cover my legs but to no avail.”
“Should I put my boxers underneath the skirt?”
“Ugh but that also feels uncomfortable”
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Well, at least you don’t look bad.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] There’s nothing we can do now.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Let’s go find this guy quickly.](if:$skirt is 2)[(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] You know.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] This is not so bad.
“I really thought this would feel awful but actually… I feel pretty comfortable”
“It feels good to be on a skirt”
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] And! You look good too!
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] You never miss, Libby.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Very well, let’s find this guy.](if:$skirt is 1)[(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Umm…
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] What? What is it?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Well…
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] It sure is a skirt.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I mean I guess it's cool but…
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Not my thing.
“I just don’t feel anything particular about this”
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] That’s alright.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] You can say you tried it, tho.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Well, at least you can pass for a student.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Let’s go find this guy quickly.]
“We all got out of the gym and started to walk through the corridors”
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] So what does this guy look like?
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] I need a physical description of this boy.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Right!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] The guy had brown hair.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Aha.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Blue eyes.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Yes.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Fair skin.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Mmh-mh.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Aaaand that’s all.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Wait, really?
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin?
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] That 's it?
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Do you have any idea how many people fit that description?
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] You might as well mention he had the Lindbergh uniform, cause that would certainly help.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Wait yes!
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] How did he style his uniform?
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Maybe I can get a read on him if I knew his fashion choices.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Well, I couldn’t really see him that well since it happened really fast and…
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] I fell on top of him.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] That sounds embarrassing.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] IT WAS DON’T REMIND ME!.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] But if I must say, he wasn’t wearing his uniform in any out-of-the-ordinary way.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Alright, he doesn’t straight far from the dresscode.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Rule follower.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Hey, can I see the bag?
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] There could be a name in there.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Sure.
“I hand over the bag to Cindy”
“She starts to examine the contents inside.”
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] I don’t see a name… These are all advanced subjects.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Rule follower, advance subjects.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] He's a nerd.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] If he is, then I know him.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] I’m in the advanced classes.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Any other thing you remember about this guy?
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] mmmmh.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Oh!
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] His hair was short with a swirl at the top?
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Wait…
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Nerd with fair skin, blue eyes and a little swirl on his brown hair?
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] It’s…
[[Continue|Jimmy-pov]](align:"<==")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=======")[Jimmy Neutron, May 6, 20XX log; After getting some research documents for my newest project, I tested my Speed-Steps on the subway station as I was about to miss my train. But ultimately ended up crashing into someone… In conclusion, the Speed-Steps work, I just need some kind of vizor to analyze the movements of the surroundings to analyze the best route to my destination.
Now, let’s proceed with the research documents… With this… huh?... What? Where are the documents?… Comic books???... My Algebra homework!... Snacks!? What is this!??]
“He starts to empty the contents of the bag onto the table”
“There’s nothing more than comics and snacks inside the bag”
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] What kind of school bag is this?? Not a single school book?
“He grabs the bag itself and puts in a weird container”
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Computer, analyze the components of this object.
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Look for any trace of DNA, soil, and fluids.
Computer: Analyzing…
Computer: I Detect Traces Of Cork Cambium of the genus Betula in the Betulaceae Family
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] …Birch.
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Computer, How many High School institutions have Birchs planted on campus?
Computer: 503 High Schools.
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Ah… Narrow it to the ones in Dimmsdale district.
Computer: 18 High School.
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] closest to Sparklefield Station?
Computer: 1 High School; Fairly Dimmsdale High.
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Bingo…
“Jimmy arrives at Fairly Dimmsdale High with bag in hand”
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Wait, do I just enter the school?
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] There wasn't any information about having to request a permit to roam the facilities freely.
“But out of the corner of his eye he spots two students outside”
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Maybe I can ask for some directions?
“He walks up to them”
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Hello!
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] ??
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] What?
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Um, I’m trying to find the owner of this bag.
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] I don’t know if you can help me with that.
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Sure!
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Do you have a name?
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] No, I tried looking for one but there’s only comics and snacks in here.
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] Mmmh can I see?
“Jimmy hands over the bag to Chester”
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] Mmmh
“After one inquisitive look, Chester pulls out one of the snacks, opens it and starts to eat it.”
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Chester!
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] He is not going to miss one!
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Ugh nevermind…
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] A description?
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Well, he had big front teeth.
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] Big teeth…
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Big teeth…
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Can you think of anything else?
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Err…
“Jimmy stops for a moment to think back on that encounter”
“He remember well how the guy fell on top of him at full speed”
“How he lifted his head and looked at him with those big blue eyes…”
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] …
“Suddenly, Jimmy felt incredibly flustered”
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] W-Well… I guess he was kind of… sort of… Good looking.
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] For a boy.
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] Good looking?
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Then it must be Gary.
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] But he doesn’t come this early to school.
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] Wait! He did come early.
(text-colour:grey)[''Chester:''] I saw him on his way to the rooftop.
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] The rooftop.
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Got it.
“Jimmy then enters the school, leaving Chester and A.J. behind”
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] Weird, I haven’t seen Timmy around…
(text-colour:grey)[''A.J.:''] They always come together.
“Jimmy reaches the tops of the stairs and is in front of the door that leads to the rooftop of the school”
“He opens the door waiting to find the boy of yesterday but…”
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] …?
(text-colour:#CA5041)[''Gary:'']Who are you?
(text-colour:#F8451F)[''Jimmy:''] Who are you?
[[Continue|LB-Entrace02]]You got LANCED
[[Now begin the story->Dream]]
(set: $lancer to true)
<audio src="https://www.myinstants.com/media/sounds/lancer-splat.mp3" autoplay>(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] I know this guy; He is the worst.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] I can’t believe he took your bag.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] No, actually, I believe it.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Neutron fancies himself to be soooo smart, but does stuff like this.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] For a guy who can recite Periodic Table from memory, he has no critical thinking.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] So you know where he is?
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Yes, in the loser club.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Loser club?
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Jimmy and his friends always hang out in the projector room.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] We’ll find them in no-time.
“They both lead me deep into the school, to a corridor barely lit.”
“At the end there is a door with a broken plaque that reads ‘Projector Room’ in bolded letters”
“We enter the room; it looks like a normal classroom with a big clunky projector in the ceiling.”
“There are two boys already inside the classroom”
“But wait…”
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Neither of them is the guy I met yesterday.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Duh, no joke.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Hey you two!
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Where is Neutron?
(text-colour:grey)[**Boy1:**] Um well, Jimmy is not here yet.
(text-colour:grey)[**Boy1:**] But you can join us for the uh projection of this llama documentary that I found.
(text-colour:grey)[**Boy1:**] It talks about the grooming of llama hair its uses in traditional cl-
(text-colour:grey)[**Boy2:**] CARL, WE ARE NOT WATCHING A LLAMA MOVIE!
(text-colour:grey)[**Boy2:**] We’re watching the Ultralord dark live action remake series.
(text-colour:grey)[**Boy2:**] It doesn't matter what everyone says.
(text-colour:grey)[**Boy2:**] All Ultralord media is GOOD and I will NOT take criticism.
(text-colour:#b5445f)[''Timmy:''] Oof, Ultralord fan.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Ugh, we are not watching anything!
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] We’re just looking for the bighead.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Sheen, no word from Jimmy?
(text-colour:#51BEA7)[''Sheen:''] Nope.
(text-colour:#51BEA7)[''Sheen:''] He did mention he had something to do before school…
(text-colour:#51BEA7)[''Sheen:''] So He might be late.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] From all the days Neutron had to be late, it had to be today.
(text-colour:#9bdc82)[''Cindy:''] Leave it to him to avoid responsibility.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] We might have to search for him elsewhere.
(text-colour:#B8116A)[''Libby:''] Whatcha think?
[[Continue|Not Finished]]
If you just wanna disregard this and see the cringefest, just click here to continue.

This project is just some elaborate shitpot, half ironic, half earnest, made for fun and as a way to learn Twine (and possibly Renpy in the future). I was 15 and had mediocre english comprehension when I started this, and the first few passages did not change and have been barely beta read so there’s that. Now, some relevant Qs and As to see:
Now, why the Fairly OddParents?
Well, in short; back in highschool I got obsessed with a tumblr account that posted fanart of FOP, and the idea of a dating sim based on one of their “anime highschool” AU was born. The artist doesn't make FOP content anymore as that was like a decade ago, so please don’t bother them.
No but really, why the Fairly OddParents?
Technically, if you think about it, this thing is so OOC that I could just change the names and designs and easily call it my own. I won’t.
I feel like it’s more fun if it stays as a FOP (and nicktoons) thing, maybe I’ll change my mind in the future, maybe I'll just let this sit here as is.
Who is doing the art?
Me! The designs are from said artist’s FOP highschool AU, but the art is drawn by me.
Who is doing the story?
I am writing everything, but some story beats, backstories and even entire scenes are from the original AU. I will mark here which passages are copies or based on the original.
- The Letter Scene is a Canon Event (heavily based on the original AU, even recycling some lines).
- The Cindy and Libby encounter is a Canon Event (heavily based on the original AU, even recycling some lines).
How old are the characters?
All of the main characters that are in HS are 17 years old (unless stated otherwise), Danny and his friends are in their 20s and attending college.
Is there going to be NSFW content?
NO; rest assured, there isn’t going to be anything too explicit. The most explicit is going to be maybe people falling on top of each other? and maybe a kabedon??? kinda anime-esk shenanigans.
How many characters can I romance?
At the moment it's very unfinished so I guess no-one. But the idea is that you could en up with Gary, Remy or Jimmy (I also want to add Negative-Timmy and Mark to the list) . I am NOT adding Danny as a romanceable character.
Will you finish this?
That is one tricky question… I don’t know! I’m just picking this up from time to time so there’s that, I’m not gonna go full time with this. Maybe if someone helps me with the writing? cause good god I’m bad at it, but as it is now, it’s just a fun project that I write little by little.
Can I help you?
You want to help me? umm well I guess you can help me by sending an email with the subject FOP VN with you opinios, suggestions, etc.
If you mean you want to help write/draw/code, then I'm not sure as this is a bit of a "I'm just adding things from time to time" kind of project as opposed as something I'm actively working on with deadlines and stuff. But feel free to send me an email either way.
Welp, if you're ready to begin, just click Start the Story.
You still here? Click here for a surprise!(sound warning)